“My name is Neil ‘Goliath’ Grove. I’m a Professional Mixed Martial Arts Fighter and former British Heavy Weight Champion.
With 12 years of Traditional Martial Arts training, a Black Belt in Goju Ryu Karate, 5 years of Mauy Thai, combined with being a Certified Personal Trainer and Sports Therapist for 12 years, an MMA Strength and Conditioning Coach for 4, I’ve had the ability to apply my knowledge and skills into training programmes to suit anyone from the beginner to the elite athlete!
In all of these years, I’ve learned that fuelling my body with the best nutrition possible, will keep me on top of my fighting game!
I’ve tried, tested and been sponsored by some of the the best and worst nutritional companies. I’m pleased to partner with Herbalife as my 1st and only choice in nutrition and hope the benefits Herbalife will have to offer you, will secure you a healthier lifestyle too! “